Note: The majority of the tables below contain UK-based figures, but sometimes figures for Great Britain are used depending upon the sources. All other tables will refer to the country(ies) concerned. Where English regional figures are shown, this is usually indicated in the title. Tables showing breakdowns between England, Wales, Scotland and/or Northern Ireland are indicated with a single *, and those showing international comparisons with two **.

The tables shown are in the form included in the published 2018 edition of the Review, except for the following which were updated in the summer of 2017: tables 1, 3, 11, 15, 16, 19, 23, 24, 27, 30-34, 36-43, 47, 51, 52, 55, 56, 90-96, 103, 112 and 117.

Data in tables and figures are frequently rounded and/or updated and therefore will not always add up exactly.

Housing, the economy and public expenditure

Housing and the macro-economy
1 Key economic trends PDF Excel
2 Average male and female earnings in the United Kingdom PDF Excel
3 Household disposable income, consumer spending and savings PDF Excel
4 Measures of employment and unemployment in the UK PDF Excel
5* Regional claimant unemployment rates at first quarter in year PDF Excel
6 Personal housing wealth, borrowing and net equity PDF Excel
7 Equity withdrawal PDF Excel
8** Gross fixed capital formation in housing as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product PDF Excel
9** Growth of real Gross Domestic Product PDF Excel
10** General Government Financial Balances as a percentage of Gross National Product PDF Excel
11 Office for Budget Responsibility 2017 Autumn Statement Economic Forecast PDF Excel
Public expenditure
12 Total Managed Expenditure, general government receipts and public sector budgets and borrowing PDF Excel
13 Government expenditure and borrowing in cash and real terms PDF Excel
14 Public sector gross capital expenditure PDF Excel
15 Total Managed Expenditure by function and total expenditure on services by function PDF Excel
16* Departmental Expenditure Limits and Total Managed Expenditure PDF Excel

Dwellings, stock condition and households

Demand for and provision of dwellings
17* Dwellings by tenure in the UK by country PDF Excel
18 Gross fixed capital formation in dwellings PDF Excel
19* Housing starts and completions in the UK by country PDF Excel
20* Right to Buy by country in Great Britain PDF Excel
21* Changes in the stock of dwellings by tenure, region and country PDF Excel
Housing conditions
22* Amenities and central heating in Great Britain PDF Excel
23 English housing conditions: the Decent Homes Standard PDF Excel
24 English Housing conditions: average energy efficiency (SAP) ratings and Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Bands PDF Excel
25 Welsh housing conditions: unfit dwellings; stock condition and energy efficiency by tenure PDF Excel
26 Scottish dwellings below the tolerable standard and below the Scottish Housing Quality Standard; energy efficiency ratings and Energy Performance Certificate bands PDF Excel
27 Northern Ireland house condition survey: key indicators, dwellings without central heating and SAP ratings PDF Excel
28* Private sector improvement and disabled facilities grants in Great Britain PDF Excel
29* Renovation grants paid to private owners in Great Britain PDF Excel
Tenure profiles and characteristics
30* Households and property type by tenure in the UK PDF Excel
31 Tenure type and tenure profile by age of head of household; tenure profile by sex and marital status, UK or Great Britain PDF Excel
32 Households by tenure and ethnic group; ethnic group by dwelling type and occupation standards, UK or Great Britain PDF Excel
33 Tenure, cars, consumer durables and second dwellings in Great Britain PDF Excel
34 Employment status of household heads by tenure PDF Excel
35 Economic activity status of recently moving household heads by tenure PDF Excel
36 Average incomes of household heads by tenure in Great Britain PDF Excel
37 Income and source of income by tenure for UK households PDF Excel
38 Tenure and gross weekly household income in Great Britain PDF Excel

Private housing

Level of market activity
39 Numbers of property transactions in England and Wales and the UK PDF Excel
40 Numbers of mortgage advances per year in Great Britain PDF Excel
Home lending in relation to income and wealth
41 Advances secured on dwellings per year in the UK PDF Excel
42 Advances and annual changes in house prices, mortgage advances and incomes for first-time buyers and moving owner-occupiers PDF Excel
43 Mortgage cost-to-income ratios for first-time buyers and former owner-occupiers PDF Excel
44 Average endowment payments and percentage of homebuying households with endowment policies PDF Excel
45** Homeowners' housing wealth, borrowing and equity PDF Excel
Land and house prices
46* Private sector regional land prices and valuations of residential building land with outline planning permission PDF Excel
47* Average regional house prices and index of prices PDF Excel
48* Median regional house prices by size of dwelling PDF Excel
Mortgage payments, negative equity, arrears and repossessions
49* Average regional mortgage repayments PDF Excel
50* Average mortgage repayments including endowment payments PDF Excel
51 Mortgage arrears and repossessions PDF Excel
52 Court actions for mortgage repossessions in England and Wales PDF Excel
53* Court orders for mortgage repossessions (details) PDF Excel
Private renting
54 Types of letting in the private rented sector in England to 2008 PDF Excel
55 Buy to let loans PDF Excel

Housing expenditure plans

Housing expenditure, investment and rents in Great Britain and the United Kingdom
56* Territorial analysis of identifiable government expenditure in the UK PDF Excel
57* Gross social housing investment in Great Britain and the UK excluding private finance PDF Excel
58* Local authority gross investment plans in Great Britain PDF Excel
59* Housing associations' gross investment expenditure, including private finance, in Great Britain PDF Excel
60* Receipts from council and new town house sales PDF Excel
61 UK local authority housing revenue accounts PDF Excel
Housing expenditure, investment and rents in England
62 Housing capital investment in England PDF Excel
63 Housing capital provision in England to 2008 PDF Excel
64 Homes and Communities Agency Affordable Homes Programme (and former programmes) PDF Excel
65 Housing Corporation planned revenue expenditure to 2008 PDF Excel
66 Local authority total housing capital expenditure in England by region PDF Excel
67 Area-based regeneration programmes of the 1980s and 1990s and English Partnerships programmes PDF Excel
68 Large Scale Voluntary Transfers of council housing in England PDF Excel
69 Local authority housing revenue accounts in England PDF Excel
70 Rent 'surpluses', housing subsidy and housing benefit subsidy to 2004 PDF Excel
71 Global housing association accounts PDF Excel
72 Rents and earnings in England PDF Excel
73 Average weekly local authority rents by region in England PDF Excel
74 Local authority and housing association rents in England by property size, with Affordable Rent comparisons PDF Excel
Housing expenditure, investment and rents in Wales
75 Welsh housing capital expenditure PDF Excel
76 Welsh housing capital plans and investment including private finance PDF Excel
77 Welsh local authority housing revenue accounts PDF Excel
78 Housing subsidy and housing benefit subsidy in Wales to 2004 PDF Excel
79 Rents and earnings in Wales PDF Excel
Housing expenditure, investment and rents in Scotland
80 Scottish gross housing investment excluding private finance PDF Excel
81 Scottish housing investment by agency PDF Excel
82 Provision for local authority housing investment in Scotland PDF Excel
83 Scottish Government capital grants and private finance for affordable housing development PDF Excel
84 Scottish local authorities consolidated housing revenue account PDF Excel
85 Average costs, rents and subsidies in Scottish housing revenue accounts PDF Excel
86 Rents and earnings in Scotland PDF Excel
Housing expenditure, investment and rents in Northern Ireland
87 Financial provision for housing in Northern Ireland PDF Excel
88 Gross housing investment in Northern Ireland PDF Excel
89 Rents and earnings in Northern Ireland PDF Excel

Housing needs, homelessness, lettings and housing management

90* Local authority homeless acceptances PDF Excel
91* Homeless households in temporary accommodation in England, Wales and Scotland PDF Excel
92 Reasons for homelessness in England PDF Excel
93 Homelessness: categories of need in England PDF Excel
94 Homelessness by region in England: homeless acceptances and temporary accommodation PDF Excel
95 Rough sleepers in England PDF Excel
96 Landlord possession claims in England and Wales PDF Excel
97 Local authority dwelling stock, new dwellings and lettings in England PDF Excel
98 Lettings to new tenants and homeless households by local authorities in England PDF Excel
99 Housing association general needs lettings in England PDF Excel
100 Lettings to new tenants by housing associations by region in England PDF Excel
101 Outputs from the Homes and Communities Agency and equivalent programmes PDF Excel
102 Local authority and housing association lettings to new tenants in England PDF Excel
103 Welsh social landlord lettings PDF Excel
104 Scottish social landlord lettings PDF Excel
105 Northern Ireland lettings and homelessness PDF Excel

Help with housing costs

Private owner taxes and reliefs
106 Mortgage interest tax relief to 2000 PDF Excel
107* Stamp duty on residential dwellings PDF Excel
Non-means tested housing subsidies
108* Subsidies for local authority housing in Great Britain PDF Excel
Income support for homeowners
109 Mortgage interest taken into account for income support, jobseeker's allowance and pension credit PDF Excel
110 Range of mortgage interest taken into account for income support, jobseeker's allowance and pension credit PDF Excel
111* Mortgage interest taken into account for income support, jobseeker's allowance and pension credit by region PDF Excel
Housing benefit and other assistance
112 Housing benefit - numbers of claimants and average claim in Great Britain PDF Excel
113 Housing benefits expenditure and plans for Great Britain PDF Excel
114* Numbers of recipients and average housing benefit in Great Britain PDF Excel
115 Housing benefit and rents for housing association and private tenants PDF Excel
116 Take-up rates for housing benefit by tenure and household type PDF Excel
117* Housing benefit caseload and payments by tenure and region PDF Excel
118 Escaping the housing benefit poverty trap: gross weekly earnings levels PDF Excel
119 Help with housing costs: income support and housing benefits in Northern Ireland PDF Excel
120 Assistance with housing costs for homeowners, council and private tenants in Great Britain PDF Excel
121 Help with housing costs in all tenures in Great Britain PDF Excel